Results for 'Daniel Serai Rakgoasi'

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  1. “No, it is not a breach of my oath because it is beyond my control; I use the policies that are in place.” Ethical challenges faced by healthcare workers in the provision of healthcare to cross-border migrants in Botswana.Galekgatlhe Bailey Balekang, Treasa Galvin & Daniel Serai Rakgoasi - 2025 - BMC Medical Ethics 26 (1):1-12.
    With a growing global population of migrants, understanding the complex dynamics between healthcare providers and policy restrictions is crucial for ensuring equitable access to healthcare. The main objective of this qualitative study was to explore the ethical challenges faced by health care providers in the provision of health care to migrants. We conducted in –depth interviews with 11 healthcare providers, which were analysed using thematic analyse. Atlas ti software was used to analysis the data. Healthcare workers reported facing ethical challenges (...)
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    Compiling nature's history: Travellers and travel narratives in the early royal society.Daniel Carey - 1997 - Annals of Science 54 (3):269-292.
    SummaryThe relationship between travel, travel narrative, and the enterprise of natural history is explored, focusing on activities associated with the early Royal Society. In an era of expanding travel, for colonial, diplomatic, trade, and missionary purposes, reports of nature's effects proliferated, both in oral and written forms. Naturalists intent on compiling a comprehensive history of such phenomena, and making them useful in the process, readily incorporated these reports into their work. They went further by trying to direct the course of (...)
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  3. Jacobi and Hemsterhuis.Daniel Whistler - 2023 - In Alexander J. B. Hampton, Friedrich Jacobi and the end of the enlightenment: religion, philosophy, and reason at the crux of modernity. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Who Needs Imperfect Duties?Daniel Statman - 1996 - American Philosophical Quarterly 33 (2):211 - 224.
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    Preferences for redistribution are sensitive to perceived luck, social homogeneity, war and scarcity.Daniel Nettle & Rebecca Saxe - 2020 - Cognition 198 (C):104234.
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    Patrick Manning; Daniel Rood (Editors). Global Scientific Practice in an Age of Revolutions, 1750–1850. vii + 401 pp., figs., bibl., index. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2016. $49.95 (cloth); ISBN 9780822944546. E-book available. Patrick Manning; Mat Savelli (Editors). Global Transformations in the Life Sciences, 1945–1980. xi + 314 pp., notes, bibl., index. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018. $45 (cloth); ISBN 9780822945277. E-book available. Patrick Manning; Abigail Owen (Editors). Knowledge in Translation: Global Patterns of Scientific Exchange, 1000–1800 CE. xv + 437 pp., notes, bibl., index. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018. $55 (cloth); ISBN 9780822945376. E-book available. [REVIEW]Dániel Margócsy - 2020 - Isis 111 (4):852-855.
  7. Kant on fundamental geometrical relations.Daniel Sutherland - 2005 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 87 (2):117-158.
    Equality, similarity and congruence are essential elements of Kant’s theory of geometrical cognition; nevertheless, Kant’s account of them is not well understood. This paper provides historical context for treatments of these geometrical relations, presents Kant’s views on their mathematical definitions, and explains Kant’s theory of their cognition. It also places Kant’s theory within the larger context of his understanding of the quality-quantity distinction. Most importantly, it argues that the relation of equality, in conjunction with the categories of quantity, plays a (...)
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    Causal Explanation in the Social Sciences.Daniel Little - 1996 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 34 (S1):31-56.
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  9. Richard Rorty y la superación pragmatista de la epistemologia.Daniel Kalpokas - 2006 - Critica 38 (113):80-86.
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  10. Behavioural flexibility: a neglected issue in the ecological and evolutionary literature.Daniel Sol - 2003 - In Simon M. Reader & Kevin N. Laland, Animal Innovation. Oxford University Press. pp. 63--82.
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    In No Time at All.Daniel Vázquez - 2024 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (2):75-90.
    In this paper, I discuss Plato’s famous passage about τὸ ἐξαίφνης (to exaiphnēs) in Plato’s Parmenides 156c–e. I argue that we should resist interpreting this notion as a subset of the now (to nun). Instead, we should understand it as a basic and sui generis feature of the word of becoming, something that has a relative temporal location (in the past, present, or future concerning other events and processes) but does not constitute time (chronos) or is a part of it. (...)
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  12. The care of the self and the care of the other: from spiritual exercises to political transformation.Daniel Louis Wyche - 2025 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    With the broad interest in the concept of "self-care" within popular discourse, there is a growing focus among philosophers, scholars of religion, political theorists, and others on the idea of "spiritual exercises," the ethics of "the care of the self," and attending concepts, yet little has been written on the politics of this broad class of concerns. This book investigates the political consequences of practices of the self in the work of several key 20th-century thinkers-Pierre Hadot, Georges Friedmann, Michel Foucault, (...)
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  13. Autonomy, social structure, and the economy : freedom within restriction and opportunity.Daniel K. Finn - 2025 - In Christopher J. Insole & Benjamin R. DeSpain, Redeeming autonomy: secular and theological crossings. New York: T&T Clark.
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    Argument in Pascal's Pensées.Daniel Clifford Fouke - 1989 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 6 (1):57 - 68.
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  15. Philosophy and Prophecy: A Discussion of Miriam Galston, Politics and Excellence: The Political Philosophy of Alfarabi.Daniel H. Frank - 1994 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 12:251-258.
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    The politics of fear : idolatry and superstition in Maimonides and Spinoza.Daniel H. Frank - 2011 - In Jonathan Jacobs, Judaic Sources and Western Thought: Jerusalem's Enduring Presence. Oxford University Press. pp. 177.
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    To what extent did the British Labour Party emulate the marketing strategies, ideology and policy formation techniques of the United States Democrats during the 1990s and early Twenty-First century?Daniel Frosh - 2010 - Polis (Misc) 3:1.
  18. Michael Gorman, 'A Contemporary Introduction to Thomistic Metaphysics'.Daniel Gallagher - 2025 - Philosophy in Review 45 (1):19-22.
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  19. Michael J. Dodds, The Unchanging God of Love: Thomas Aquinas and Contemporary Theology on Divine Immutability.Daniel B. Gallagher - 2009 - Philosophy in Review 29 (6):401.
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  20. Emmanuel Lévinas: etapas de vida y pensamiento.Daniel Gamarra - 2009 - Acta Philosophica 18 (1).
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    Providence and free will in human actions.Daniel W. Goodenough - 1986 - Bryn Athyn, Pa.: Swedenborg Scientific Association.
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  22. Convivir con la inidentidad.Daniel Innerarity Grau - 1993 - Anuario Filosófico 26 (2):361-374.
    Modernity has made identity impossible because of its exigency of a per-fection that is not compatible with human finitude. This is the reason why since Romanticism it has been generalized the attempt of establishing scopes in which man is freed from this duty. There arises also many phenomena that can be understood as aesthetic instances that defend the in-dividual particularity and promote the cultural variety.
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  23. Dialéctica de la liberación: la utopía social de Herbert Marcuse.Daniel Innerarity Grau - 1985 - Anuario Filosófico 18 (2):109-128.
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  24. Transcending death : the reasoning of the "others" and afterlife hopes in Wisdom 1-6.Daniel J. Harrington - 2011 - In John Joseph Collins & Daniel C. Harlow, The "other" in Second Temple Judaism: essays in honor of John J. Collins. Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co..
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  25. FN:s allmänna förklaring om de mänskliga rättigheterna och kvantifierad deontisk logik.Daniel Rönnedal - 2014 - Tidskrift För Politisk Filosofi 18 (2):22–34.
    FN:s allmänna förklaring om de mänskliga rättigheterna innehåller en katalog över ett antal mänskliga fri- och rättigheter. I den här uppsatsen argumenterar jag för att det krävs en kvantifierad deontisk logik för att förstå den logiska formen hos flera av de normer som uttrycks i denna förklaring. Jag kommer att gå igenom ett antal argument som intuitivt är giltiga, men som inte kan bevisas i klassisk logik. Därefter kommer jag att visa hur dessa argument kan formaliseras och bevisas med hjälp (...)
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  26. The Double Arguments.Daniel Silvermintz - 2008 - In Patricia F. O'Grady, The Sophists: An Introduction. Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 147-153.
    Provides an overview of the anonymous work of sophistic rhetoric known as Dissoi Logoi or Double Arguments.
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    (1 other version)On Division of Reason in Kant: The Rupture with the Absolute Rationality System.Daniel Labrador Montero - 2018 - Journal of Humanities of Valparaiso 11:39-74.
    This article intends to show how the philosophy of Kant supposes a rupture with the doctrines based on a system of absolute rationality, where the most important element is the unity of reason. In this way, it will try to underline the main critiques of the Prussian philosopher to theories based on the unity of reason and direct access to reality, as well as exposing the Kantian proposal of a unitary formal rational structure, but with several irreconcilable uses.
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  28. Forms of Justice: Critical Perspectives on David Miller's Political Philosophy.Daniel A. Bell & Avner de-Shalit - 2005 - Philosophical Quarterly 55 (218):146-148.
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    7. Is Democracy the “Least Bad” System for Minority Groups?Daniel A. Bell - 2006 - In Beyond Liberal Democracy: Political Thinking for an East Asian Context. Princeton University Press. pp. 180-205.
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    5. What’s Wrong with Active Citizenship? A Comparison of Physical Education in Ancient Greece and Ancient China.Daniel A. Bell - 2006 - In Beyond Liberal Democracy: Political Thinking for an East Asian Context. Princeton University Press. pp. 121-151.
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    L'homme volant: philosophie de l'aéronautique et des techniques de navigation.Daniel Parrochia - 2003 - Editions Champ Vallon.
    L'aviation a un siècle et la commémoration de l'évènement s'est accompagnée jusqu'ici d'une certaine discrétion. Ce livre entre dans le monde réel de l'aéronautique, de ses matières et de ses moteurs, décrit la navigation, le pilotage et jusqu'à la conception des avions modernes. On en tire de là une philosophie de la technique.
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  32. Quasi-objets, pseudo-individus.Daniel Parrochia - 1991 - Kairos.
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  33. Libertad, juventud y educación.Daniel A. Pasquier - 2015 - In Ensayos sobre libertad. Santa Cruz de la Sierra: ICEES.
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    Working as Equals: Relational Egalitarianism and the Workplace.Daniel Halliday - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    This excellent collection of essays explores and advances the applicability of relational egalitarianism to the problem of the employment relationship. There exist large literatures on proximate to...
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    Temporal and Atemporal Asymmetries in Causation.Daniel Saudek - 2024 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 80 (4):1009-1040.
    This article proposes a new account of causal asymmetry and of how it relates to temporal asymmetry. The key concept on which the account is based is that of inclusion, i.e. of an object being “in” another. Thus, part I develops the notion of what is “possible with respect to” a given object, and what is not, based on what is included in it. This leads to a counterfactual dependence asymmetry which is independent of the direction of time. Part II (...)
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    Intellectual influences upon the reformational philosophy of Dooyeweerd.Daniël Fm Strauss - 2004 - Philosophia Reformata 69 (1):151-181.
    On the basis of an initial reference to a number of critical appraisals of H. Dooyeweerd’s philosophy, this article proceeds by provisionally focusing on the image of Franz Xavier Von Baader1 — who was intellectually active during the first part of the nineteenth century — in secondary literature . The main concern, however, is to enter into a more detailed evaluation of the claim made by J.G. Friesen,2 namely that all the basic systematic insights and distinctions found in the philosophy (...)
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    Homophobia: On the Cultural History of an Idea.Daniel Wickberg - 2000 - Critical Inquiry 27 (1):42-57.
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  38. Friendship and the solitude of greatness: the case of Charles de Gaulle.Daniel Mahoney - 2021 - In Mary P. Nichols, Politics, literature, and film in conversation: essays in honor of Mary P. Nichols. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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    Montaigne et son cheval, ou, Les sept couleurs du discours De la servitude volontaire: avec un [sic] édition de ce texte mis en français moderne.Daniel R. Martin - 1998 - Tours: A.-G. Nizet. Edited by Estienne de La Boétie.
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  40. Reply: Legal Ethics Rebound [Book Review].Daniel Markovits - 2010 - Legal Ethics 13 (2):261.
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  41. Voyages et voyageurs dans le livre des Actes et la culture gréco-romaine.Daniel Marguerat - 1998 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 78 (1):33-59.
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    Fear in the Medical and Literary Imagination, Medieval to Modern: Dreadful Passions.Daniel McCann & Claire McKechnie-Mason (eds.) - 2018 - London: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book is about an emotion constantly present in human culture and history: fear. It is also a book about literature and medicine, two areas of human endeavour that engage with fear most acutely. The essays in this volume explore fear in various literary and medical manifestations, in the Western World, from medieval to modern times. It is divided into two parts. The first part, Treating Fear, examines fear in medical history, and draws from theology, medicine, philosophy, and psychology, to (...)
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  43. Panmorphism.Daniel J. Povinelli - 1997 - In Robert W. Mitchell, Nicholas S. Thompson & H. Lyn Miles, Anthropomorphism, Anecdotes, and Animals. SUNY Press. pp. 92--103.
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  44. Las implicaciones epistemológicas de la hipótesis chomskyana de las ideas innatas.Daniel Quesada - 1973 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):265-288.
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  45. States of Affairs and the Evolutions of Carnap's Semantics.Daniel Quesada - 1993 - Logique Et Analyse 141 (142):149-157.
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    Epicuro y el placer.Daniel Trapani - 1997 - Tópicos 5:131-156.
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  47. Esthétique à Valérie.Daniel Vouga - 1946 - Neuchâtel: Ides et calendes.
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    Noir Neptune.Daniel Wack - 2014 - In George Dunn & James South, Veronica Mars and Philosophy. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 61–71.
    The possibility of a love strong enough to overcome the corruption and violence of the world of film noir is a promise that frequently seduces the protagonist, but it ultimately proves to be illusory—and often fatal. Many film noirs share three major elements with Veronica Mars: a corrupt world in which the story is set; a love interest; and protagonist who becomes obsessed with uncovering the truth whatever the costs. The centerpiece of Veronica Mars's transformation of the film noir paradigm (...)
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  49. Nicolai Rubinstein 1911-2002.Daniel Waley - 2004 - In Waley Daniel, Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 124. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, III. pp. 312-330.
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    Saul Bellow's American Dream: Technology, the Artist, and the Machine in the Ghetto.Daniel Walden - 1987 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 7 (3-4):469-475.
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